RSE – Get It Right!
On June 1st, The Values Foundation launched ‘RSE – Get It Right!’ , an education initiative supporting parents, schools and local authorities across England to ensure children are taught time-honoured, established values within Relationships and Sex Education which will be compulsory in all schools from September 2020.
During the past year RSE has been piloted in a number of “early adopting” schools in England. Disturbing reports have been heard from parents regarding, in some cases, early sexualisation of children, the promotion of controversial ideologies as well as various distortions by some schools and local authorities of what is actually mandatory in RSE.
RSE – Get It Right! encourages schools to focus on building the foundations of strong relationships including trust, commitment, restraint, respect, and responsibility whilst showing sensitivity to different lifestyles. It clearly distinguishes between what is and what is not compulsory in RSE
Those who follow the guidance in RSE – Get It Right! will be providing children with the best start in relationships education in modern Britain.
Early reviews have been very positive:
“This is excellent and something which everyone ought to be able to agree on…”
“A must for parents, schools and local authorities..”
“A helpful and clear website with tips on what you should look out for..”
Visit the website at: